About the project
Cities are developing fast in the BRICS countries. In China, there is over a 100 villages that are dying everyday, we call them “no people” villages. The creatures and plants have been hit by human activities. Bees are a group of such species that are facing the risk of extinction. This would mean an environmental catastrophe. So it is extremely important to design a product which can keep the balance between bees and humans.

Bee Astronaut Beehive
Bee astronaut supports a safe living place for bees in the cities and helps bees co-exist in the city with humans. Its internal, special honeycomb structures can take honey out automatically. This means that people do not need to use smoke to expel the bees from the beehives. Humans can get honey without annoying bees.
Installed inside the product are a couple of temperature sensors and a graphics sensor that can monitor in real-time the health of the bees, which can adjust the temperature automatically and administer medicines to help keep the bees healthy.
At the same time, the user can move the honeycomb around different nectar sources to obtain different flavors of honey. The sensors can also detect the color, quantity and sweetness of honey.

Electromagnet Honeycomb
The principle of automatic honeycomb is that the middle part of the honeycomb and the parts on both sides of the honeycomb can be staggered when they move, resulting in voids that allow the honey to flow down from the voids. Therefore, I use the structure of the electromagnet to embed the honeycomb.
Bee Astronaut APP`s Functions:
To set up a honey-making plan; choose the flowers you prefer and decide the ratio of nectar; reminder for changing the queen excluder and add medicine for bees; check the honey-making process in your phone and scan QR Code to take honey out.

Metropolis: Urbanized Earth
The metropolis idea is that people and nature will all living in cities in 50 years later.
The metropolis mode is built by plants that are growing in the ground, people are walking on the top. Bees also living in this system. Imagine if bees is your invisible neighbors, how people`s daily life will changed?
In the future, there will have a lot of beehive stations in the cities. People can bring bee astronaut to every beehive stations, each station has different tastes honey with different types plants. It could be a transportation system between those stations.